Welcome to our new interns!

Richard Newsome and Harriet Alvis in the Clyde River Foundation lab
Richard Newsome and Harriet Alvis in the Clyde River Foundation lab

We are currently hosting two interns – Harriet Alvis and Richard Newsome. Harriet, a recent graduate from Swansea University, has been working on a Clyde River Foundation placement looking at invertebrate samples from sites across the catchment and is about to begin a Fisheries Society of the British Isles Internship studying the habitat preferences of the invasive bullhead with Prof. Neil Metcalfe and Dr. William Yeomans. Richard, a student from James Watt College, is undertaking a Nuffield Foundation Research Placement. He is using invertebrate samples to monitor the recovery of a small stream in Renfrewshire from agricultural pollution. We are looking forward to seeing their projects develop!