Primary education

IMG_4650 - CopySince first dipping into primary education in 2001 with five schools in Glasgow, the Clyde River Foundation has developed a strong educational programme and has now worked with over 350 primary schools in the River Clyde catchment.

Our biggest primary education project is Clyde in the Classroom which uses the life history of a native Scottish species, the brown trout, to promote awareness of river ecology among young people across the River Clyde catchment. Pupils raise brown trout from eggs in a special classroom hatchery before releasing the fry into their local river. The project is a great focus for STEM education and outdoor learning and provides an ideal basis for many of the Curriculum for Excellence learning outcomes and experiences. In 2016 we were delighted to welcome the 20,000th participant to the project. 

St Clare's P6a kick-sampling Cochno BurnWe also deliver a range of bespoke education projects based around our Meet Your River concept. Meet Your River gives children an in-depth understanding of the ecology of their local rivers through a hands-on, outdoor learning experience. It also encourages pupils to consider how the health of their river is linked to the health of their community. Projects incorporating Meet Your River have included: